Square Life Round World

I'm navigating through this round world while living a square life, and it fits exactly as it should.

Cravebox Review–Girls Night In

on May 14, 2013

By now you should all know that I really like Cravebox.  Of all the box subscriptions I’ve tried, this is the only one I’ve become a repeat customer of.  When Cravebox opened the drawing for Girls Night In, I did not hesitate to enter (being chosen in a drawing means that you get to purchase the box at a discounted price).  At first they said there were certain states the box couldn’t be delivered to.  A few days later they announced that the drawing had opened up to all states but that if you lived in a previously exempt state, one item would not be included in your box.  I knew all of this could only mean one thing:  that alcohol would somehow be involved.  Keep reading to see if I was right.

This is what a Cravebox looks like when you first open it upside down.

This is what a Cravebox looks like when you first open it upside down.

Girls Night In Cravebox Contents

Girls Night In Cravebox Contents

My Girls Night In Cravebox contained the following:

  • Neutrogena Revitalizing Lip Balm
  • Tree Hut Moroccan Rose Renewing Hand Cream
  • Fruit 2 O, Strawberry Flavor
  • New Girl Nail Polish
  • The Mindy Show Nail Polish
  • Hills Bros. French Vanilla Cappuccino Mix
  • New Girl/The Mindy Project Nail File
  • Zaca Recovery Patch (for hangovers!)
  • Warriors in Pink Bandana (I actually thought this was a scarf but according to the Cravebox website this is a bandana.)
  • *******A $50 Nakedwines.com gift card!!!!!!!!!*********

Yay!  I was right!  Let’s hear it for wine!  As always, I loved everything in the box.  I received the box on a Tuesday, and the funny thing is, I was watching New Girl on Fox as I was opening the box.  I did a double take when several pieces of the contents were promotional items for the very show I was watching at that very moment!  I thought the Zaca Recovery Patches were absolutely hilarious.  Of course, who doesn’t love a good lip balm?  The hand cream smelled wonderful, the nail polish was beautiful, the bandana was neat, and the cappuccino was delish!  However, the crowning touch to the box, and the thing I was most excited about was the $50, yes, $50 gift card from nakedwines.com.

Nakedwines.com box

Nakedwines.com box

I have never ordered wine online before, and I was a bit skeptical.  With that being said, I immediately went online to place my order.  I ordered what nakedwines.com calls the “Nifty Gifty”.  It was a mixed case of both domestic and foreign whites and reds.  After I applied my gift card, with tax and shipping, my total came to $47.30.  For a whole case of wine, you can’t beat that!  When it came in (one week later), the screw tops kind of threw me for a loop since I usually only buy wines with corks.  To date, I’ve only tried 2 of the bottles, a Chardonnay and Malbec.  The Chardonnay was one of the best I’ve had.  The Malbec wasn’t one that I would buy again, but I’m still pleased with my purchase.

The "Nifty Gifty" contained a mix of domestic and foreign whites and reds.

The “Nifty Gifty” contained a mix of domestic and foreign whites and reds.

All-in-all, this was a great box!  I might even go so far as to say it’s my favorite one yet!  I don’t know how Cravebox does it, but for $13 the value was phenomenal.  As always, there were items in there I use on a regular basis, and items I’ve never heard of but am excited to try.  I can’t wait to see what they come up with next!

If you’d like to win your very own Cravebox, please enter my giveaway.  One lucky reader will receive a Cooking Light Fast Meals Cravebox, compliments of Cravebox.  To find out more about this box, check out my review of it here.  The contest period is open to US residents living at a US address only from now until May18.  You may get one entry per day by leaving a comment below.  An additional entry may be obtained by following me on Twitter (@myglasssneaker).  Want even more entries?  Tweet about the contest to get up to one more entry per day.  Be sure and mention me in the Tweet (@myglasssneaker) and use #CLFastMeals and #CraveOn.  The winner will be chosen by random draw and will be announced here at my blog on May 19.

Have you tried Cravebox yet?  Which one is your fave?

Disclosure:  I purchased Girls Night In Cravebox with my own money.  All thoughts about this Cravebox are my own.  The giveaway was provided by Cravebox for winning their Fast Meals Cooking Light Cravebox blog contest.

ETA:  Please note the ending date of the giveaway has changed from June 3 to May 18.  I realized there are coupons in the box that expire on May 31 and I’d like for the winner to be able to use them.

16 responses to “Cravebox Review–Girls Night In

  1. Jennifer Ko says:

    Yay! I love contests. If I don’t win, I may just have to subscribe myself. Wine + running? Winning!

  2. I have never tried a Cravebox but it sounds really neat!

  3. runningthroughmotherhood says:

    Love the review on these boxes!

  4. Maryrose says:

    Great giveaway!! Didn’t know you had a blog!! I’m adding you to my blog reading list 🙂

  5. Liz Grigat says:

    Very cool! Looks like there is a lot of cool stuff in there!!

  6. Tracey C. says:

    I saw a link to your blog on a Cravebox tweet… I really enjoyed hearing about what’s in them since I haven’t gotten one yet. I’d love to win one even! Fun blog posts, thanks!

    • Tracey they’ve all had different things in them curated (their word) around a theme. The one for the giveaway is the Cooking Light Fast Meals box. A link to my review of the box, including a complete contents list, is in this post. I’ve gotten 6 boxes, I think, and they’ve all had great items!

  7. Josette Clark says:

    Thanks for your review of the box and the giveaway!!!

  8. Maranne says:

    Looks like a great prize! Thanks for the info!

  9. Dvora G says:

    I am craving a Crave box now. It would be fun to win. I also follow you in the twitterverse. 🙂

  10. KIM says:

    I am going to check out Cravebox for sure! Just found goodies.com today. Sounds good also.

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